About me

Starting in January 2025, I am a postdoc in the DiverSE team in Rennes. I defended my PhD thesis entitled “Scaling Domain Agnostic Techniques for Program Synthesis” on 10/12/2024, I was supervised by Nathanaël Fijalkow in LaBRI. You can find my slides and my manuscript.

You can send me an email at theomatricon@gmail.com or theo.matricon@inria.fr.

Feel free to send me a mail just to chat about some interesting work, not necessarily yours!

Research Interests

  • Program Synthesis, Code Generation
  • Performance Variability
  • Machine Learning tools that can help reduce environmental impact

Honestly everything’s interesting there’s just not enough time but I would like to emphasize that I am more interested in research that stands the test of time (for time = some years not a few months).

Quick info

Food intolerances: gluten, lactose, alcohol

Phone Number:



  • Will be at the GT GLIA and Vamos in Rennes
  • Will be at the GDR GPL


  • January: Here is a guide we wrote to CNRS applications with links to the other guides on the internet.
  • January 24: I will give a talk at the LINKS seminar, at CRIStAL, in Lille on ranked enumeration of regular tree languages.
  • January: I visited Simula in Oslo, Norway for a collaboration!


  • December: Our paper on best first search for enumeration in constant delay got accepted at AAAI 2025 and was selected for an oral. Joint work with Nathanaël Fijalkow and Guillaume Lagarde
  • December 10: I defended my PhD thesis! Yay~
  • November: Gave a talk at the Synthesis Days in Bordeaux
  • July 5: I was at the opening meeting of the LLM4Code project
  • June 2-7: I was at the Dagsthul seminar on “Stochastic Games”
  • June 17: I gave a talk on “Code Generation and Program Synthesis: where are we?” at a regional AI event
  • June - July: Chaimaa Radiousse is working with me on estimating mixtures of stable distributions
  • May - July: An intern Maxence is working on multi agent reinforcement learning in order to balance board games supervised by Guillaume Lagarde, Gabriel Bathie and I.
  • March - July: Baptiste Mouillon is working on fast approaches for LTL learning with Nathanaël Fijalkow, Pierre Vandenhove, Gabriel Bathie and I.
  • April 25-26: I was at GT DAAL in Rennes
  • March-April: in Rennes from March 18 to April 26 to work with Mathieu Acher and the DiverSe team
  • April 11: I gave a talk at 68nqrt seminar about “Scaling enumerative domain-agnostic program synthesis”
  • March 28: I gave a talk at DiverSe Coffee
  • February - Avril: Sylvain is working with Nathanaël Fijalkow, Pierre Vandenhove, Guillaume Lagarde and me on program synthesis for reinforcement learning
  • Nov. 23 - March 24: Gianni Padula is working with Nathanaël Fijalkow, Pierre Vandenhove and me on a new reactive synthesis algorithm
  • February: I gave a talk at Progress, a software engineering research team, on “Code Generation vs Program Synthesis”
  • January: I took part in the organization and in the events of AI4Industry to talk about the PhD



  • December: I am now finance officer of the local PhD association!
  • October: I’m in Warsaw (MIMUW) for a visit!
  • July: I gave a talk at GT Vérif in LaBRI on strategies as trees in MDPs.
  • May - July: Utkarsh Rajan joined us for an internship on DeepSynth.
  • March - June: Gaëtan Margueritte joined us for an internship on DeepSynth.
  • February 25/26/27: I presented our DeepSynth paper at AAAI 2022 (Oral).
  • February 11: Nathanaël Fijalkow has successfully defended his HDR.
